'Songs without words' [PDF, 0.9MB]
How Ravel's brain was the key to a new discovery. As published in The Guardian, July 24, 1992

'Foul facts on the dangers of a quick dip' [PDF, 0.2MB]
As published in The Sunday Times, 17 May 1987

'Sweden taps a gas bonanza' [PDF, 0.2MB]
As published in The Sunday Times, 10 May 1987

'Start a family on the rat foot' [PDF, 0.1MB]
As published in The Sunday Times, 15 March 1987

'Bang goes a gunnery date' [PDF, 0.3MB]
As published in The Sunday Times, 1 March 1987

'Hearing turns over a new leaf' [PDF, 0.1MB]
As published in The Sunday Times, 10 August 1986

'Beware of the magnet' [PDF, 0.2MB]
As published in the Innovation supplement from The Sunday Times, 22 April 1986

'Why smiling could be good for you' [PDF, 0.4MB]
As published in the Futures supplement from The Guardian, Thursday June 6, 1985.




'Frozen hell is their home' [PDF, 0.6MB]
As published in The Daily News, Saturday, April 13, 1985

'More weight, less speed' [PDF, 0.7MB]
As published in the Futures supplement from The Guardian, Thursday February 7, 1985.

'Why a foetus likes to curl up with a good book' [PDF, 0.3MB]
As published in the Futures supplement from The Guardian, Thursday August 9, 1984.

'Good news from a messenger' [PDF, 0.1MB]
As published in The Sunday Times, 8 April 1984

'Digging below the surface' & 'Beast in the brain' [PDF, 0.4MB]
Two articles as published in the Innovation supplement from The Sunday Times, 25 March 1984

'A painful sob story' [PDF, 0.2MB]
As published in the Innovation supplement from The Sunday Times, 18 March 1984

'Brain storm' [PDF, 0.1MB]
As published in the Innovation supplement from The Sunday Times, 11 March 1984