When I was three years old I was on television with my cowboy hero, The Lone Ranger.
I was very disappointed that I didn't get to meet his sidekick Tonto, the Indian, who
wasn't in the scenes with us. But the Lone Ranger made it up to me by giving me thirty
silver bullets. (However my mother made me give 26 of them to a group of orphans, so
I was only left with four. Even though that was very frustrating, I was glad that the orphans
had something to console them.) I was the only child who ever was allowed to hold a gun to
the Lone Ranger. I remember I had to say "Stick 'em up!" and he actually held his hands up.
I think this must have gone to my head. One day I was watching a fantasy cowboy on television
and the next day I was holding a gun to him and he was surrendering to me. He was very
sporting about it.